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HNN Hot Topics: Obamacare

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  • Jonathan H. Adler: Did Conservatives Lose the Battle, but Win the War? (National Review)
  • Paul Campos: Why Does John Roberts Get to Decide? (Salon)
  • Matthew Cooper: John Roberts, Moderate (National Journal)
  • Daniel Epps: In Health Care Ruling, Roberts Steals a Move From John Marshall's Playbook (The Atlantic)
  • Daniel Ernst: Roberts Acted to Preserve the Legitimacy of the Supreme Court (HNN)
  • William Galston: Conservatives’ Long March Through the Court Hits a Wall (The New Republic)
  • Gerard N. Magliocca: Chief Justice Roberts and the Rule of Law (Balkinzation)
  • Greg Sargent: SCOTUS Sides with Federal Power (WaPo)
  • Background

  • HNN History of Healthcare Reform
  • The Supreme Court: What You Need to Know
  • Commentary & News

  • Supreme Court Lets Health Care Law Largely Stand
  • A Re-Examination of Roberts’s Legacy? (NYT)
  • Opinions in National Federtion of Independent Business v. Sebelius
  • Federal Judge Rules That Health Law Violates Constitution
  • Anders Walker: Does the Commerce Clause Mean Health Care is Unconstitutional?
  • Virginia health-care ruling strikes down key provision of Obama's plan
  • Michael Bliss: The Problem of Saying No to the Sick
  • Walter G. Moss: Health Care Reform and Liberal Values
  • Health care bill anger a sign of the times?
  • Mark Steyn: Health Care Reform Could Lead to Global Collapse
  • Obama's improbable win on health-care reform is one for the history books and will boost his credibility
  • Justin Miller: Health Care Reform Isn't Very Historic
  • Jonathan Cohn: Truman, LBJ, Obama
  • Bonnie Goodman: Political Highlights Special Obama Signs Health Care Bill into Law
  • Tevi Troy: Health Care ... A Two-Decade Blunder
  • Pelosi may enter history as one of the great House speakers, according to scholars
  • Richard Cohen: The Health-Care Vote: One More Step on a Long, Slow Journey
  • Gerald F. Seib: Vast Ambition, Colossal Risk at Work in Health Care Reform
  • James Taranto: Why ObamaCare Makes Us Nostalgic for the Cold War
  • John Nichols: A Historic Vote for Health-Care Reform
  • Robert Dallek: Obama has done what LBJ and FDR couldn’t
  • Dana Milbank: Health Reform and the Specter of Alf Landon
  • E.J. Dionne: Yes, they made history
  • Julian Zelizer: Pelosi Emerges as Powerhouse in D.C.
  • Historic win or not, Democrats could pay a price, according to historians
  • Fred Barnes: The Health-Care Wars Are Only Beginning
  • Ellen Ratner: What Would Nixon Do On Health Care?
  • Paul V. Dutton: France Reformed Health Care in Tough Times; Why Can't We?
  • Julian Zelizer: GOP Health Care Refusal Could Backfire
  • Ashley Cruseturner: Healthcare May Be “Manifest Destiny” for this President and Congress
  • Martin Gorsky: The Different Approaches of America and Europe to Health Care
  • Bruce J. Schulman: House Should Pass Senate Health Care Bill
  • Colin Gordon:"Hands off My Medicare": The Deadly Legacy of Social Insurance
  • Alex Tallarida: RN, A Man Before His Time On Healthcare
  • Jill Lepore: Health care hopes ... from the 1910s
  • Walter G. Moss: Is Health Care a Human Right?
  • Body Politics: A History of Health Care [audio 54 minutes 51 seconds]
  • Gil Troy: Snow(e) Job: Tokenism is not Bipartisanship
  • Jonathan Movroydis: The Plan That Would Have Saved Healthcare
  • Allan Lichtman: Deja Vu on Health Care
  • Daniel Henninger: From Bismarck to Obama
  • Victor Davis Hanson: Desperately Seeking a Healthcare Bill
  • Steven Hill: Senate"Minority Rule" Is the Disease, Not the Cure, for Health Care Reform
  • Warren Breckman: Canadians faced a hard fight for national health insurance too
  • Ross Douthat: The Ghosts of 1994
  • Thomas Padilla: Who Is Betsy McCaughey
  • Colin Gordon: We’ve Been Here Before ... History and Health Reform
  • Ben: Mutschler: So Is Health Care for All Really Un-American?
  • Thomas Frank: It's time for Obama to channel Harry Truman on health-care reform
  • Sam Stein: Dodd hopes"Maybe Teddy's Passing" Will Spur GOP To Act On Health Care
  • Theodoric Meyer: In Health Care Debate, Republicans Should Look to Disraeli
  • Michael Winship: Even Camelot Needed Health Care
  • Brent Baker: NBC Exploits Kennedy to Push ObamaCare: 'National Sorrow Has Created Political Momentum Before'
  • Bonnie Goodman: Political Highlights ... August 11, 2009: Health Care Reform Debate Heats Up
  • Lisa Levenstein: A Phila. hospital that was a model of care
  • Obama taking lessons from LBJ on health care
  • Paul Rogat Loeb: Gutting the Health Care Plan
  • Marc Goldwein: What Obama Needs to Learn from the Failure of Bush's Social Security Plan and Clinton's Healthcare Reform
  • Jonathan Cohn: Why industry is joining Obama at White House to discuss healthcare reform
  • Did TR really back national health insurance as Obama claims? Yes.
  • Atul Gawande: How should Obama reform health care?
  • Jonathan Cohn: Sick ... The Untold Story of America's Health Care Crisis
  • Jonathan Cohn: The Big-Picture Reasons The U.S. Needs Reform, Daschle Or No Daschle
  • Timothy Noah: A short history of health care
  • Our current health-care debate is rooted in the 1930s
  • Heather Prescott: Mental Health is Everyone's Business ... Historical Reflections on the Virginia Tech Shootings
  • Jill Quadagno: Will We Ever Get National Health Insurance?
  • John Murray: Why GM's New Healthcare Deal Just Might Work
  • WaPo: Early Deals Set the Stage for Today's Problems
  • H.W.Brands: How last century's money wars may lead to healthcare, pension reform
  • Oscar Chamberlain: Health Care Reform Thoughts